Ellie and Mark contacted me after seeing me at a wedding over two years ago. " You were very pregnant" Ellie said. In-fact it was the last wedding I shot before Woody was born. With a faithful assistant in tow I did my best to blend in and sneak around..no easy feat when you resemble the size of a whale. It was also pouring with rain, but such fun...
So zip forward two years four months and here I am at Guyers House with the lovely Ellie and Mark. This time the sun is out and its set to be a beautiful day. Everybody was having a fantastic time, I even got to catch up a bit with my former clients.
The speeches I think will be remembered for a long time. The best man really did put in the work and he had the guest roaring with laughter.
After the cake was cut the band (who had traveled from London) kicked off the evenings party.
Ellie's beautiful naked wedding cake was made by Beth Bakes
Her stunning dress sold by Carina Baverstock Couture Designer David Fielden
Her flowers are by flowers-in-focus.
The Band in the evening were fantastic!! The Favourites
Ellie and Mark are a lovely couple and the wedding was full of so much laughter!